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Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Setting Public Service Standards at PST BPS-Statistics Aceh Selatan
December 30, 2021 | Other Activities
on December 30 at 10.00 WIB BPS South Aceh Regency has conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Determining Public Service Standards (SPP) for Integrated Statistical Services (PST) BPS South Aceh Regency in 2021. The FGD was attended by Representatives of Data Service Users from the Device Work Unit Region (SKPD), Lecturers and Students. The SKPD representatives were attended by the Head of Research and Development for the Bappeda of South Aceh Regency, Samudra Putra, Secretary of the Kominfo and Encryption Service Office of South Aceh Regency, H. Nyaklah, SP.M.M. The lecturer representatives were attended by Denni Taufiqurrahman, MA lecturer at the Tapaktuan Islamic High School (STAI), and Herry Setiawan, Deputy Director I of the South Aceh Polytechnic (Poltas). The student representatives were attended by Radhitullah and Khairul Miza, each from STAI Tapaktuan and Poltas.
The FGD for Determining the SPP PST of BPS South Aceh Regency in 2021 was opened by the Head of BPS South Aceh Regency, Mr. Andi Hardiyanto. In his directives and remarks, the Head of BPS South Aceh Regency conveyed the need for Stipulation of SPP PST BPS South Aceh Regency as a form of service promise to service users at PST BPS South Aceh Regency, on the other hand service users must meet the requirements set out in the service standard to get desired service.